Is There a Solution to the
Catholic Debate on Contraception?

Hopefully it has become clear during the course of this study that most of the elements of a solution to the problem of contraception have been developed in the course of the debate on it, and this is true to a much greater extent than I have indicated in the text.

Once we begin to integrate these elements into a coherent whole this becomes even more obvious.

"Nothing prevents marriage", writes Albert the Great, "from thus being traced back to two or three divine institutions: one relative to nature precisely as nature, another relative to nature precisely as fallen, a third relative to nature precisely as redeemed by Christ. And so marriage is the sacrament of innocence, in the Old Testament and in the New." St. Albert the Great, In IV Sent., dist. 26, a. 5, solution.

"Nature inclines to marriage, as it intends a good which does, however, vary according to the different states in which mankind finds itself. It is therefore appropriate that, in keeping with that particular good, marriage be differently instituted in the different states of mankind." Thus St. Thomas Aquinas, In IV Sent., dist. 26, quaest. 2, a. 2, body. For St. Bonaventure, See In IV Sent., dist. 26, a. 1, quaest. 1, Quaracchi edition, 4, 661-63. (Citations from Contemporary Perspective on Christian Marriage, Richard Malone, ed., p. 345)

In the pre-Humanae Vitae debates Dupré, for example, in his Contraception and Catholics, touches on many of the necessary elements for resolving this issue. He notes the possible application of St. Thomas' doctrine on primary and secondary precepts of the natural law to the area of sexual ethics and contraception, (p. 49, note 8), and he writes on the ends of marriage:

"Since the primary end of marriage is not simply procreation (as is the "natural" end of the act of marriage) but procreation and raising to adulthood of the offspring, it would seem that, at least in those cases where continence creates a tension between the parents which seriously harms the education of the children, the pursuit of the secondary end itself is essential for the full accomplishment of the primary end. Could one call, then, an intervention arbitrary, if it precludes further procreation only in order to fully accomplish the primary end?" (p. 60)

And he comments on the pursuit of the integral nature of the conjugal act:

"I readily admit that ideally the highest perfection would consist in having the marriage act with all its consequences, or in not having it at all when those consequences cannot be accepted. But I wonder whether this ideal is always an essential perfection which man cannot omit without violating the moral law. If it is not, then we can only conclude that le mieux est parfois l'ennemi du bien, and that a person should not be called immoral because he has not reached the heights of perfection. (p. 85-6)

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Reading: Why the Church Condemns Contraception