This section addresses three fundamental points:
- The basics of simple living like building your own home.
- The motivation to attempt a simpler lifestyle. Why swim against the tide of where this
society seems to be going?
- Radical simplicity. An analysis of the deep implications of simple and sustainable
Our Approach:
- There is a great deal of information available about the basics of simple living like
home building, gardening, solar electricity, and so forth. We have experimented in these
things ourselves, and tell our own story, and put you in contact with some resources about
these issues.
- But our chief interest lies in what motivates people to actually change their way of
life. Simple living is meant to lead to interior treasures of time, freedom, and
- Radical simplicity is our attempt to push these insights about simple and sustainable
living to their limit. The best thing Americans could do for the rest of the world is to
say we have enough, and actually go on to the next step in our inner development instead
of accumulating ever greater piles of things at the price of others not having what they
really need.