1. Aubert, Le Probleme de l'Acte de Foi, p. 287
2. Ibid., p. 300
3. Ibid., p. 314
4. Ibid., p. 322
5. Ibid., p. 463, note 24; Rousselot, "Les yeux de la foi"; p. 250, note 1, "de faire voir, et non pas de dispenser de voir"
6. Rousselot, "Les yeux de la foi", p. 468
7. Aubert, p. 527
8. Ibid., p. 554
9. Boisselot, "La foi, connaissance affective", p. 87
10. Ibid., p. 90.
10A. Davis, "Faith and Reason," p. 12
11. Ibid., p. 13
12. Mouroux, I Believe, p. 47
13. Muschalex, "Faith, Freedom and Certitude", p. 189
14. Moran, A Theology of Revelation, p. 79
15. Ibid., p. 171-75
16. Ibid., p. 155
17. Ws. 7:25-26 (all quotations are from the Jerusalem Bible) On Wisdom in O.T. cf. Bonnard, L'Sagesse de l'Ancien Testament; Johnson, "Jesus, the Wisdom of God"; and Larcher, Etudes sur le livre de la sagesse.
18. Pr 3:39
19. Pr. 8:22-31
20. Si. 24:3-9
21. Ws. 8:4
22. Ws. 8:4
23. Ba. 3:15, 16, 23
24. Si. 39:1, 6-7
25. Ba. 3:37-38; 4:1
26. Ws. 9:13-18
27. Ws. 8:7-19
28. Ws. 8:21
29. Ws. 7:7-8
30. Si. 51:13-21
31. Si. 1:26
32. Si. 1: 12, 18
33. Ws. 6:12-14
34. Ba. 3:9-12
35. Ws. 1:4
36. Ws. 2:21-22
37. Si. 14:21-22
38. Pr. 8:35
39. Si. 15:3, 6
40. Pr. 2:1-6
41. Si. 25:19-22
42. Ba. 3:9-12. On wisdom in the N.T. cf.: Guillou, Christ and the Church, pp. 37-57; Feuillet, "Christ as Wisdom", pp. 462-66 and "Jesus et la Sagesse Divine apres les Evangiles Synoptiques" in Revue Biblique,pp. 62, 161-96; and Johnson, "Jesus, the Wisdom of God". On wisdom and gnosis in St. Paul cf.; Feuillet, Le Christ Sagesse de Dieu D'apres Les Epitres Pauliniennes; Dupont, Gnosis: La Connaissance religieuse dans les epitres de St. Paul.
43. Col. 1: 15-16
44. ICo. 1:23-25
45. Col. 1:27-29
46. Col. 2:1-2
47. Ep. 1: 15-19
48. Ep. 1:4-10
49. 1 Co. 2:6-16
50. Ph. 1:9
51. Rm. 10:8-10
52. Ep. 3:16-19
53. Ep. 4:17-18
54. 2 Co. 3:14-18
55. On Wisdom in St. John, cf.; Feuillet, Joharmine Studies, esp. pp. 76-98 and 170-177.
56. jn. 14:6
57. J n. 12:44-46
58. J n. 5:24
59. J n. 10:27
60. J n. 17:3
61. J n. 6:44-45
62. J n. 6:28-29
63. 1 Jn. 4:7-8
64. J n. 7:16-17
65. Jn. 14:23
66. Jn. 14:21
67. J n. 3:19
68. J n. 8:43-44
69. J n. 12:39-40
70. J n. 15:24
71. J n. 14:16-17
72. 1 jn. 2:27
73. 1 Clement XXXVI, 2; Bouyer, p. 247, cf. Camelot, Foi et Gnose, introduction a Petude de la connaissance mystique chez Clement d'Alexandria; Bouyer, The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers; and Grant, "The Book of Wisdom at Alexandria".
74. Paed. 1,1,1,4
75. Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata, Vol. II, p. 326
76. Stro., 2,2,8,4
77. Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata, AnteNicene Christian Library, Vol. II, p. 16
78. Ibid., P. 19
79. Ibid., P. 46
80. Ibid., P. 57
81. Ibid., P. 76
82. Ibid., P. 151
83. Ibid., P. 335
84. Ibid., P. 29
85. Ibid., P. 199
86. Ibid., P. 232
87. Ibid., P. 254
88. Ibid., P. 259
89 6 Stro. 9:73-4
90 7 Stro. 55-7
91. Com. in jo. 1; 19 (22); Crouzel, p. 453
92. C. Cels., 111, 46; Crouzel, p. 443, cf. Crouzel, Origène et la "Connaissance Mystique".
93. Hom in Luc, xi; Crouzel, p. 463
94. Ibid., Les Conditions Subjectives de la Connaissance, pp. 399ff.
95. Fragm. in Matth. 464; Crouzel, p. 452
96. Fragm. in I Co. 1, 25; Crouzel, p. 452
97. Origen, Commentary on the Canticle, Ancient Christian Writers, p. 210
98. Ibid., p. 61
99. Fragm. in Luc.; Crouzel, p. 407
100. Ep. Greg. Thaum.; Crouzel, p. 408
101. Hom. in Luc. xi; Crouzel, p. 440
102. Fragm. in Matth. 139; Crouzel, p. 408
103. Com. in Jo. 11, 5 (4); Crouzel, p. 476
104. Hom. in Jer. v, 8, 9; Crouzel, p. 419
105. Hom. in Is. vi, 6-7; Crouzel, p. 416
106. Commentary on the Canticle, Ancient Christian Writers, p. 79
107. Ibid., p. 79
108. Commentary on the Canticle, III (iv); Crouzel, p. 405
109. Commentary on the Canticle, Ancient Christian Writers, p. 73
110. Hom. in Num., xxi, 1, Crouzel, p. 413
111. Commentary on the Canticle, Ancient Christian Writers, p. 75
112. Lectures on the Gospel of St. John, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Tractate xxvi, p. 168. Cf. also Comeau, S. Augustin, Exegete du Quatrieme Evangile; Cayre, La Contemplation Augustinienne and La Notion Sagesse Chez S. Augustine, L'Annee Theologique 4, 433-56.
113. Ibid., Tractate xxix, p. 183
114. De spir. et litt. xxi, 54; in E. Przywara, An Augustine Synthesis, p. 56
115. Lectures on the Gospel of St. John, Tractate xxvi, p. 168
116. Ibid.
117. Comeau, S. Augustine, Exegete du Quatrieme Evangile, p. 235
118. Ep. CXX, ii, 8; in E. Przywara, An Augustine Synthesis, p. 60
119. The Dedication to the Book of Sentences in LeGuillou, Christ and the Church, p. 168; Gilson, Wisdom and Love in St. Thomas; Conley, A Theology of Wisdom; Aubert, Le Probleme de l'Acte de Foi, pp. 43-72.
120. In Ep. 25; LeGuillou, p. 169
121. Prologue to the Book of Sentences; LeGuillou, p. 169
122. In Jo. 946; LeGuillou, p. 240
123. In Jo. 1959; LeGuillou, p. 239
124. In Rom. viii, lecture 6
125. Qdl., II, a6, ad 3m.
126. In Jo. xv, lecture 5, number 4
127. In Boetium de Trin., Q3, Al, ad4m.
128. De Ver. Q14, Al
129. S.T., Ila, Ilae, Q2, a3, Pd2m
130. S.T., Ila, Ilae, Q45, a2.
131. Chap. VII, "Augustinian Wisdom" in Maritain's The Degrees of Knowledge
132. Chap. IX, The Problem of Gnosis: Christian Gnosis and Hellenism, Bouyer, p. 211ff.
133. de Finance, "Etre et subjectivité"
134. Walgrave, Unfolding Revelation, pp. 114-15
135. Johann in The Meaning of Love develops some of these possibilities.
136. Vandenbroucke, "Le divorce entre théologie et mystique"
137. Aubert, p. 739
138. Raissa Maritain, We Have Been Friends Together and Adventures in Grace
139. Maritain, Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism. Preface to the 2nd edition.
140. Ibid., p. 16-17
141. Ibid., p. 150 note 2
142. Ibid., p. 35
143. Maritain, Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry, p. 87
144. Ibid., p. 88-89
145. "Ernest Psichari" in Antimoderne, p. 250
146. Ibid., p. 252
147. Ibid., p. 253-54
148. The Immanent Dialectic, p. 69-70
149. Ibid. P. 70
150. Ibid.: P. 70, 71 note
151. Ibid., P. 76-77
152. Ibid., P. 78
153. Ibid., P. 80
154. Ibid., P. 80
155. Maritain, Preface to Metaphysics; Arraj, God, Zen and the Intuition of Being
156. This natural entity of union is analogous to Mersch's supernatural entity of union by which the humanity of Jesus becomes the humanity of the word. cf. The Theology of the Mystical Body 157. Mersch, Ch. V. "The Teaching of Philosophy on Man and His Unity" in The Theology of the Mystical Body
158. Maritain, Existence and the Existent, p. 91
159. S.T. 2-2, QI, a2, ad2
160. Rahner, Inspiration in the Bible, p. 66 and "The Development of Dogma" in Theological Investigations, Vol. I, p. 5 1.

